Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So last night...

I made manicotti. And w loved it. Let's just say he kept asking for more. (He ate more than I did). He was a mess. He loves any kind of pasta. So after all his food was now on him. He went straight to the bathtub. I turned around to look at him while I was running the water and just start laughing because I see this really fat belly and skinny arms and legs. Picture the full body profile of the cutest baby that you have ever seen. Imagine them naked with a protruding belly and you would have w. It was hilarious. So I ask him "What are you doing?" He runs and jumps over into the bathtub. I thought I was going to have to rescue him. He also LOVES water. When I say LOVES I mean almost more than w and me. Not really, but you get the picture. He was swimming in the tub last night. He lays on his tummy and laps up the water. Kinda funny. So that was our night.

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