Tuesday, May 11, 2010


for POAs that get completely checked off. SSSOOOO...the weekend was a great one. W and I actually fingerpainted on Friday night b/c he couldn't stand (temper tantrum) to wait until Saturday to use them. Oh the picture is beautiful. On Saturday I finally found a neighborhood park for us to go to that I don't have to be right underneath him the whole time. We ran. We threw the ball. We slide down the slide w/ our sippy and ball. Oh it was good times by all. The best part of my day was that w laid back on his diaper bag (which is fashionably houndstooth) in the shopping cart and let me shop while he read his books. Sunday was scrupmtuous to say the least. As usual Aunt B had a spread. Family time was good as well as nap time. It was good fun for all involved.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good Mother's Day. I can't wait for this Saturday with the little man. Are you dropping him off around noon?
