So many things have happened since I last talked to you. We made a little trip to the river for July 4th. It was so good to get out of town and be around W's family since we don't get to see them often. W loved swimming naked in the river and riding the horses. He has laid claim to his horse. His name is Everyday.
W is now also in his terrible twos. I keep asking my mom if it will get any easier and she keeps joking with me and telling me in 16 years it will be better. I tell her I need to know if yes will ever become a part of his vocabulary or will everything be no. I really can't complain though it hasn't been too bad yet. W is talking (and singing). This has become his favorite thing to do at night. To wake up and sing and not want to go back to sleep. Oh and he wants you to sing with him. He keeps me on my toes. (I am trully exhausted all the time. I just throw on some makeup to cover up all the circles and dark spots.) My favorite time lately has been in the morning when I am leaving and he says "Kisses, mommy, kisses." Grabs me around the neck and lays one on me.
W got to spend some time with my parents this summer. He had a blast. They went swimming almost everyday and he got to spend some time with his favorite cat, Aggie and one of his favorite dogs, Betsy. I can't quite describe what's it's like to see him with my dad. They have a relationship that no one else has. They both adore each other.
W also got moved up in his class at daycare. It is so fun to come home with little things that they have made that day. He has begun to share though. This isa big step for the little one.
W and I are good. Just trying to keep up with W. Hopefully some pictures will follow next week. Have a blessed weekend.
Most importantly I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and lover of God
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Today is...
WERNER'S BIRTHDAY! I can't believe it has been two years. Pictures to follow soon. We are gonna party it up w/ the family.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Gotta tell you..
What w did the other night. So wyatt did about 3 loads of laundry on Tuesday. The last load he put in the laundry basket (which is a basketweave) and toke to the bed and dumped on the bed. He then called w in to bring me the basket so I could put up since laundry room is in kitchen and I was making dinner. I wasn't really paying attention to all this since I was hurringly trying to finish chopping and slicing to get veggies into my preheated skillet. Then I hear this rusling and somthing that sounds like the basket. I then peak around the corner and burst into laughter. W has put every book that he owns in the basket therefore causing an overflow of books will you. The crunching noise was w climbing on the basket into the recliner with about umm about 4 books in his hand and trying to pull the rest of the basket up with him. To make this even better he did this in no time flat with all his books in various places in the house. Seriously, it was probably like a minute. Anyways, maybe it was just funny to me, w, and w. Oh and when w and i were laughing at w. W just looked at us like he had been doing this his whole life.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
for POAs that get completely checked off. SSSOOOO...the weekend was a great one. W and I actually fingerpainted on Friday night b/c he couldn't stand (temper tantrum) to wait until Saturday to use them. Oh the picture is beautiful. On Saturday I finally found a neighborhood park for us to go to that I don't have to be right underneath him the whole time. We ran. We threw the ball. We slide down the slide w/ our sippy and ball. Oh it was good times by all. The best part of my day was that w laid back on his diaper bag (which is fashionably houndstooth) in the shopping cart and let me shop while he read his books. Sunday was scrupmtuous to say the least. As usual Aunt B had a spread. Family time was good as well as nap time. It was good fun for all involved.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Cant wait
for tomorrow and then Mother's Day. So here are our tentative plans for the weekend, a POA if you will.
- Sleeping in watching Sprout (w's channel, ie Thomas the train, Bob the Builder, you get the picture).
- Having some Cherrios with fresh strawberries that w actually picked last weekend.
- Mid-morning nap
- Picnic at the park to include a lunch of PB & J, salt and pepper potato chips, lemonade/Kool-Aid
- Some running at the park
- Some ball throwing and chasing at the park
- Some sliding and swinging
- Some laughter
- Some tickling
- Fingerpainting on the back porch
- Brunch w/ sis and hubby, mom and dad, w and w
- Some laughter
Hopefully pics will follow.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
This past weekend

So last night...
I made manicotti. And w loved it. Let's just say he kept asking for more. (He ate more than I did). He was a mess. He loves any kind of pasta. So after all his food was now on him. He went straight to the bathtub. I turned around to look at him while I was running the water and just start laughing because I see this really fat belly and skinny arms and legs. Picture the full body profile of the cutest baby that you have ever seen. Imagine them naked with a protruding belly and you would have w. It was hilarious. So I ask him "What are you doing?" He runs and jumps over into the bathtub. I thought I was going to have to rescue him. He also LOVES water. When I say LOVES I mean almost more than w and me. Not really, but you get the picture. He was swimming in the tub last night. He lays on his tummy and laps up the water. Kinda funny. So that was our night.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
So when we (my sis and me) were little on Saturday mornings while lazily laying in mom and dad's bed watching tv our family did this thing called wollyboogering. You basically count to 3 and tickle the heck out of the other person until they can't take it anymore. Anyways, maybe our fam was a little crazy when we were younger. I don't know. We (W, W, and me) have begun this tradition. SO....this morning while we were counting to 3...Let me dialogue it to you.
W and me: 1...
Werner: STOP...
Us: 2...
Us: 3...
Anyways there was laughter. BUT, it has me wondering. Does he get told hush alot at daycare? Are there other things to come? (Oh, I know there are) Should I be worried about this? Maybe it's just the mom in me.
W and me: 1...
Werner: STOP...
Us: 2...
Us: 3...
Anyways there was laughter. BUT, it has me wondering. Does he get told hush alot at daycare? Are there other things to come? (Oh, I know there are) Should I be worried about this? Maybe it's just the mom in me.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Back to it.
Ok, so I fell off the bus about three weeks ago in regards to this diet that I was on. I am back on my diet bus. This body has got to get summer ready! (And lose that last little bit of W weight). I WANT/NEED to get back into my pre-w bathing suits. I know it will be hard, but I will do it. No more fries or soda. Not that I eat many fries, but no more. Fruit and veggies I am here to win this war. This week has been good so far. I WILL WIN!!!! (That is me laughing at the face of defeat.)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Today has been good...
in so many ways.
- I got a raise!! (Praise to God on this one. Been praying about this. I know that money should not matter but with a little one at home every little bit helps.)
- I got complimented on what a good job I have done in this position. (Compliments are few and far between in my position)
- I got to hang out with big W during my lunch.
- It's a beautiful spring day in Texas.
- I have the love of so many wonderful people in my life.
- Relying on Him is wonderful. He does provide when we least expect it.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Is one of my favorite holidays. Jesus' resurrection. New Life. Alleluia's. Everything about it I just love. As we grew up my mom would always give us our favorite candy and a little something else in our baskets. I remember this even coming home from college and as I grew older it became just candy. Now W has my basket (where mom found the camo ribbon I have no idea). This is very special to me because this is the only basket that I can ever remember having. Now to the weekend details...
Thurs: W had Easter Egg Hunt at daycare. Sat: Mimi, Papa, and I all took W to the Easter Egg Hunt at the PAC where they live. WOW! There were eggs everywhere. We asked how many and they said "Oh, about 2,000." Pictures to follow at later date. Then we just messed around at their house. Then W got his Easter gift from M and P. Wheelbarrow, whirlygig, Reese's Pieces, and the big hit was the bubbles. All gifts were loved by all. That evening we proceeded to dye eggs, but not before W stuck his whole hand in the blue dye. It was great. OHHO! and W shaking his hand everywhere trying to get it off. He loved dyeing eggs and seeing how they would come out a differet color. Sun: Wonderful church service with M and P. W looked like a stud muffin in his Easter outfit. That afternoon P hid the dyed eggs and W found them. What a wonderful weekend.
Thurs: W had Easter Egg Hunt at daycare. Sat: Mimi, Papa, and I all took W to the Easter Egg Hunt at the PAC where they live. WOW! There were eggs everywhere. We asked how many and they said "Oh, about 2,000." Pictures to follow at later date. Then we just messed around at their house. Then W got his Easter gift from M and P. Wheelbarrow, whirlygig, Reese's Pieces, and the big hit was the bubbles. All gifts were loved by all. That evening we proceeded to dye eggs, but not before W stuck his whole hand in the blue dye. It was great. OHHO! and W shaking his hand everywhere trying to get it off. He loved dyeing eggs and seeing how they would come out a differet color. Sun: Wonderful church service with M and P. W looked like a stud muffin in his Easter outfit. That afternoon P hid the dyed eggs and W found them. What a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Say a little prayer...
That He will comfort my heart from looking at the future and calmness to not worry about the next couple of days. Things will go how He has planned. I sit and listen to His love and plans, yet want to know every minute detail of what is in the plan. I need to just sit and not worry. He will reveal it to me when I need to know.
This is my prayer for the week: Father may I be silent yet willing to listen. May I be a companion to Wyatt and may we both be willing to take this as it comes. Steady our hearts on you. May we remember that we are blessed beyond anything at any point in our lives. This is comfort enough. May laughter and fun be abundant in the next few days to come. Amen.
I normally don't use this blog as a means for prayer request, but I do this week as we, as a family, see what is to come.
This is my prayer for the week: Father may I be silent yet willing to listen. May I be a companion to Wyatt and may we both be willing to take this as it comes. Steady our hearts on you. May we remember that we are blessed beyond anything at any point in our lives. This is comfort enough. May laughter and fun be abundant in the next few days to come. Amen.
I normally don't use this blog as a means for prayer request, but I do this week as we, as a family, see what is to come.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
So yesterday...
Me: Did you have a good day?
Werner: YESS!! (and a look up)
M: We need to go to the grocery store okay?
W: Okay!!
M: We need to get some chicken.
W: Chicken?!
M: Yes, chicken.
W: Okay.
And this morning...
W: Good morning.
M: Good morning!
W: Kisses and hugs??!!
M: Yes, you can get kisses and hugs. (Proceeded with lots of kisses and hugs from mom and dad. And some bursts of laughter.)
This is what it's all about. This is a crazy and fun life right now.
Me: Did you have a good day?
Werner: YESS!! (and a look up)
M: We need to go to the grocery store okay?
W: Okay!!
M: We need to get some chicken.
W: Chicken?!
M: Yes, chicken.
W: Okay.
And this morning...
W: Good morning.
M: Good morning!
W: Kisses and hugs??!!
M: Yes, you can get kisses and hugs. (Proceeded with lots of kisses and hugs from mom and dad. And some bursts of laughter.)
This is what it's all about. This is a crazy and fun life right now.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Glaze for anything
I use this glaze for everything from filet mignon to shrimp/scallops to chicken.
- Spray pan with cooking spray.
- Salt and pepper meat.
- Cook meat to desired doneness. (Filet [I use 4oz pieces]: 3 minutes per side. Chicken tenders: ~5 minutes per side.)
- Remove and keep warm.
- Saute 2t garlic minced and pinch red pepper flakes in same pan.
- 3T sherry until warm.
- 2T soy sauce until warm.
- 1T balsamic vinegar.
- Bring all to slight boil.
- 2T honey.
- Boil.
- Take off heat.
- Will thicken as sits.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
So as we walking down the hall leaving daycare yesterday I asked W if he had had a good day and he actually answered me with a look up and a "YYEESS!!" Oh, what joy (and heart melting)! He is starting to conversate and you can understand him.
Monday, March 22, 2010
It's how we roll
Little W and I had a fab weekend together. Friday night was filled with filet mignon and homemade mac-n-chz making. We both throughly enjoyed both...the making and eating that is. Werner loves to help cook. So that is what most of the weekend was filled with. Saturday morning was waffles with "berries" and "nanas" (Yes, my child ate a whole container of starwberries over the course of the day. I told him he needed to lay off them, but it kept him wanting more. And what am I as a mother to do.) After some mid-morning playing we made Rice Krispie treats. Then nap time happened. Errands (to go buy the arts and crafts tray that W sat on Friday night and broke). Lunch with big W. Home to work on some coloring and glueing and arts and crafting. Tickling and laughing. Made chicken and dumplings. Ate c and d. Played. I am so glad that W and I had this weekend. There was way more tickling and laughing going on than should be allowed by the law. Anyways, it was fab.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Teachers, parents, grandparents: Read this
I found this on MSN this morning and it really disturbs me being the mother of an almost 2 year old. I try to give W everthing and more that his father and I had as a kid, yet when I read things like this I can't help but think of what things will be like when he starts school. My heart weeps and is burdened because both my parents and my sis are/were in the teaching field. I am glad that they are either on the tail-end of their career or got out of it for various reasons. One should have a passion for his/her profession and when the threat of a layoff is in your mind daily it becomes a very scary world. Please read:
Friday, March 12, 2010
"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching." Happy Friday!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I am wanting to give W a birthday party, yet not as extravagant as last year. I am going with this theme possibly...
W loves Elmo right now. More so the books and other random paraphenalia than the tv show. Thank goodness. I watched Seasame St. the other day for the first time in years and it really is a great kid's show. This Elmo birthday set is fabulous though. Go to for some great themed birthday, shower, supplies, etc.

Friday, March 5, 2010
Thought I would give you something to get you through the weekend. Have you made someone smile today? or lately? Here is short list of a few ways. I'm sure you can think of more, but these are just to get you thinking about it.
- Just smile. Don't say anything, just smile.
- Tell them that they look beautiful/handsome. Don't you want to be told this?
- Find an old picture of them. Don't you smile/laugh at old pictures of yourself.
- Send a text or voicemail to an old friend. Someone you haven't talked to in awhile.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Fun and Games
I wish everything was fun and games all the time like...drinking a fabulous wine, eating a filet with balsamic/honey/soy glaze, watching hubby fold clothes while I lazily just watch, laughing at Werner when he wakes up and says "PARTY", making snickerdoodle cookies and eating them fresh out of the oven, singing in my office at work when I think nobody's listening and someone walks around the corner.
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